The critically acclaimed Essential Dredd Collection is a perfect jumping on point for new readers and this volume introduces Judge Death, the Dark Judges and wisecracking Psi Judge Cassandra Anderson. It also includes the first solo Judge Anderson adventure, presented in luscious new colours, also starring Judge Death.

The fourth volume in the oversized Essential Dredd series includes the first two Judge Death stories, from John Wagner ( A History of Violence) and Brian Bolland ( The Killing Joke) presented in stunning black and white, and featuring restored pages. The crime is life! The Judgement is death! When Judge Death enters Mega-City One from a parallel dimension, his plan is simple: to find every single living cit and sentence them – to death! While both parties are well-known Judges in the Mega-City One Justice Department, it is worth noting at this preliminary stage that Dredd J is a hardened Street. The complainant, Cassandra Anderson, has brought an action against Joe Dredd. 'dredd for 3d printing' 3D Models to Print - yeggi - 938 printable 3D Models Just click on the icons, download the file (s) and print them on your 3D printer Advertising add to list Tags Judge Dredd for 3D Printing STL add to list Tags Cassandra Anderson Judge DreddModel to download. "When people think of Dredd enemies, they think of The Dark Judges." - Comics Beat Grand Hall of Justice and Leisure Dome, Sydney-Melbourne Conurb 2.

The essential Judge Dredd graphic novel series - the ultimate introduction to the Lawman of the Future! The essential Judge Dredd graphic novel series - the ultimate introduction to the Lawman of the Future - continues with the heartstopping horror Dredd Vs.